YouTube Collaboration Challenge with Ben Fewtrell

As a bit of fun, Ben Fewtrell and I decided to collaborate for this week’s vlog. Ben’s a Youtube creator from Sydney so we thought we’d have an east coast, west coast landscape photography challenge. The challenge was to shoot the sunrise or sunset of the same day. As we are both from Australia, we thought we’d add an extra challenge into the mix with making sure the landscape had an ozzie theme or element.

With the best of intentions, I was up earlier and drove out to a location where there were ruins from an old settlers quarters. I’d only just sent up when the clouds came quickly over and the heavens opened up. All I could do was pack up and take my wet camera gear and myself home to dry out.

Undeterred by the set backs of the morning’s events and the wet weather, I ventured out to North Beach in the afternoon to see if I could capture a coastal seascape with a surfer as an Australian element in my image.

The weather unfortunately turned from bad to worst. Down on the beach the wind was unrelenting. Each time I removed my lens cap it was getting hit by the rain or spray from the sea waves. With dark clouds approaching, and no Australian element in sight, I pressed ahead and captured a few seascape images of the beach, rocks and breaking waves in a variety of compositions.

I enjoyed collaborating on this video with Ben Fewtrell. Please make sure you check out how Ben went with the challenge over on his channel.

Check out Ben’s Channel here -

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