Posts tagged Seascape
Two trips for a Sunset at Burns Beach

While consistent bright blue skies without a cloud in sight, might sound like the perfect day, it’s ideal conditions for landscape or seascape photography. A little cloud creates interest in the sky and helps make for a better image. After weeks of nothing but blues skies, finally some thin cloud started rolling in. So I didn’t hesitate and grabbed my gear and headed out to Burns Beach to capture a stunning long exposure seascape.

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YouTube Collaboration Challenge with Ben Fewtrell

As a bit of fun, Ben Fewtrell and I decided to collaborate for this week’s vlog. Ben’s a Youtube creator from Sydney so we thought we’d have an east coast, west coast landscape photography challenge. The challenge was to shoot the sunrise or sunset of the same day. As we are both from Australia, we thought we’d add an extra challenge into the mix with making sure the landscape had an ozzie theme or element.

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Sunset over the cliffs at Albany Windfarm

The second half of our trip down to Albany was packed with visiting some of the breath-taking views around Albany including the Princess Royal Drive, a hike along the Vancouver Peninsula and a climb up Bald Heads. To finish the afternoon, we checked out the Albany Wind farm and took a walk around the Sandpatch Cliffs west of Albany.

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Chasing Light at Two Peoples Bay

A quick trip down to Albany for the weekend provided a great opportunity for me to go out to Two Peoples Bay for an early morning sunrise shoot. I discovered this location when I was out shooting at Little Beach ( a few months ago. While I knew where it was, I really wasn't very familiar with the place, so took some time to explore the area and look for a composition. Even though I arrived 20-30 minutes before the forecasted time for the sunrise, I still wasn't able to find a composition by the time the sun rose above the horizon.

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Post-Processing in Lightroom, Sunset at Watermans Bay

With the afternoon free and the weather looking pretty good, I thought I’d go down to Watermans Bay on the coast and shoot the sunset. Just a short walk from the carpark I came across this small bay with steps leading down to the water. The base of the steps were in a perfect position to set of the camera. In front of me was a collection of rocks that were covered with green sea moss. This was providing an interesting scene that had a moody feel.

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